Dell Children’s Hospital
Angel Wing Installment & Dedication
In October 2016, the public art Angel Wing sculpture “Gabriel” by Bobby Jacobs was dedicated in the Healing Garden of Dell Children’s Hospital, in memory of Benjamin Daniel Breedlove, who passed on Christmas day, 2011. Ben was born with a heart condition, and spent a lot of time at Dell Children’s. A week before he passed, he had an NDE that inspired him to share his experience through a flash-card video on YouTube, in which he communicated his message of a beautiful afterlife – and his belief in Angels.

Hand Carved Fossilized Bluestone, 44 x 24 x 7 inches
After his passing, Ben’s video went viral, with over 15 million views to date. Ben’s story was the inspiration for “Gabriel,” which continues to have an ongoing profound effect on all who experience it – from hospitalized children to families to those experience hardship, this very special Angel Wing brings continual hope and light, forever honoring Ben and his message.
Benjamin Daniel Breedlove, 1993 – 2011
Artist donates fitting memorial for Ben Breedlove at Dell Children’s By Nadine Bonewitz
New angel wing sculpture at Dell Children’s Medical Center in memory of Ben Breedlove
By Nicole Villalpando, Austin360
The sculpture is a gift by the artist and his wife Elizabeth Bryan Jacobs … The couple loved Ben’s story and wanted to do something in his memory. They reached out to Ben’s parents, Deanne and Shawn Breedlove, about donating a sculpture and having it at Dell Children’s, where Ben was often a patient and where Deanne Breedlove still volunteers on the family advisory council. Click here to read the full story.